Check the risks where you are

It is important to find out if there are specific emergencies you might be more at risk of than others, depending on where you live, work or are travelling to. For example you can:
- Check your flood risk for areas in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.
- Check the weather forecast for your area, or download the Met Office Weather Forecast app.
- Find out the pollution forecast in your area.
- Check the country specific travel advice for your destination if you are planning a trip overseas.
In England
Your Local Resilience Forum will publish information online about the risks in your local area. Links to the websites of the Local Resilience Forums in England can be found at the bottom of this page or on GOV.UK.
Local Resilience Forums are partnerships made up of representatives from local public services, including the emergency services, local authorities, the NHS, the Environment Agency and other organisations involved in emergency preparedness, such as utilities providers. Local Resilience Forums identify potential risks and produce emergency plans to either prevent or lessen the impact of any incident on their local communities. Each Local Resilience Forum publishes a Community Risk Register which sets out the different risks most likely to cause disruption in your region.
In Wales
Details of the Wales Local Resilience Forums can be found on GOV.WALES.
In Scotland
The equivalent of Local Resilience Forums in Scotland are Regional Resilience Partnerships. Details for the Regional Resilience Partnerships can be found on the Scottish Government’s Ready Scotland website and Community Risk Registers for Scotland can be found on FireScotland.
The Ready Scotland website also includes useful information on preparing for and dealing with emergencies in Scotland.
Northern Ireland
The equivalent of Local Resilience Forums in Northern Ireland are Emergency Preparedness Groups. Details for the Emergency Preparedness Groups are available from the Northern Ireland Civil Contingencies Policy Branch.
For information on emergency preparedness in Northern Ireland, visit Be Ready for Emergencies.