Campaign Toolkit

How to use this toolkit

We are asking partners to support this campaign by sharing our messages and materials with their audiences, to direct them to This campaign toolkit contains: 

  • Suggested messaging
  • Creative assets – social media images, link to animation and email banner
  • Copy for newsletters, blogs and social media posts

Campaign resources can be found here.

Campaign summary

Emergencies such as flooding, fires and power cuts can affect us all. There are some simple and effective steps we can all take to be more prepared.

That’s why the government has launched, a new website to help build preparedness for emergencies and crises.

It provides accessible and actionable advice on practical steps that individuals, households and communities can take to improve their resilience to a range of risks.

Social media campaign

  • How would you prepare for an emergency? Find simple and effective steps at
  • Emergencies happen every day. Taking action now will make it easier to manage if the worst happens. Visit

What would you or others around you do in an emergency such as a flood or a power cut? Find simple and effective advice at

Newsletter / blog / website campaign

How would you prepare for an emergency?

In a newly launched website, the government is encouraging people to think about what they would do if they and those around them were exposed to risks ranging from floods to fires to power cuts. 

The website provides simple and effective steps people can take to be more prepared, at Taking action in advance will make it easier to manage an emergency if it does happen.

The site is designed for residents in England. The devolved governments in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland also provide advice for their residents.

Five simple things you can do now

  1. Find out if you are eligible to sign up to your gas, electricity and water supplier’s Priority Service Registers, so companies know that you need additional support.
  2. Set a reminder in your phone or make a note on your calendar to check your smoke alarm once a month.
  3. Write down important phone numbers on paper such as the number to report a power cut (105) and the numbers of anyone you might want to contact in an emergency.
  4. Talk to your children about how and when to call 999 and what they should do if there’s an emergency, such as a fire at home.
  5. Check your long term flood risk and sign up for flood and weather warnings.